East-Enders' Alumni Association
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Jim Sullivan?
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The Founders: Barbara (Olson) Roman and Jim Sullivan
The idea of an East-Enders' Alumni Association was formed in March of 2001 during a series of e-mail messages between fellow "East-Enders" Barbara (Olson) Roman (Blessed Sacrament Grammar School '59, Harding High School '63) and Jim Sullivan (Blessed Sacrament Grammar School '58, Harding High School '62) regarding the possibility of reuniting all the "kids" who lived in the East End of Bridgeport, Connecticut, during the 1940's, 50's, and 60's -- especially those who were from our "era", that is: born during the decade of the 1940s. To that end, this web site and the East-Enders' Alumni Association were created.
The Association carries the name "East End" because of how it was originally conceived by the co-founders. However, membership eligibility was quickly expanded to include BOTH the East End and the East Side sections of the city. Why? Well, it just seemed appropriate, since we knew a lot of East Side kids from our years at Harding and we were interested in reconnecting with them, as well.
However, this association and web site are NOT exclusively Harding High School oriented. We include East End and East Side people who attended other local high schools, such as Bullard Havens, Notre Dame, Fairfield Prep, Lauralton Hall, Kolbe, St. Josephs, and many other Bridgeport area high schools. You just need to have lived in either the East End or the East Side at one time during your youth.
If you have a question about the East Enders Alumni Association, please e-mail it to: eastenders.alumni.assoc@gmail.com