St. Michael's Grammar School
Bridgeport, Ct.
Kindergarten Class of 1950
(Sister Mary Claudia's Class)

Girls (L to R):  Sr. Claudia, Elizabeth Marsholowicz, Frances Leha, Marcella Kurowska, Theresa Jaronczyk, Sandra Checcarelli,  ? , Geraldine Brzoska,  ? ,  ? , Jane Hazewska, Ellenor Marozek, Phillis Norko,  ? , Sandra Stritch,  ? , Valerie Martin, Lucille ?, Theresa Perkowska, Gail Reardon,  ? .

Boys (L to R):  Thomas Balaiker, Walter Kandro,  ? , Michael Gorlo, James Bielski, Ronald Kaminski, David Galanek, Peter Danielczuk, William Wysocki, Vincent Lewandowski, Robert Bell, Alphonse Obuchowski, William Zawadski, Anthony Mach, William Girvan, Richard Skudlarek, Thomas Bizewski,  ? ,  ? , Paul Mathews, Theodore Peslak.

(Thanks to Tony Mach)

(Please e-mail us the names, or corrections, of anyone you might remember.)  

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